Tariq Ramada was born in 2015 in Ilemela, one of the seven districts of the Mwanza Region in Tanzania, bordered to the north and west by Lake Victoria. His mother began to suspect that he was suffering from heart defects after noticing him experiencing frequent chest problems.

One day, when Tariq returned from school and his mother was bathing him, she observed abnormalities in the left and right parts of his neck’s frontal area. She took Tariq to the local health center for an X-ray and requested a referral to Bugando Medical Centre for further evaluation of his chest.

At Bugando, an echocardiogram was performed, and he was diagnosed with a hole in his heart. He was prescribed medications and advised to prepare for heart treatment at the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute in Dar es Salaam.

His mother visited the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute for another heart screening, but the results remained the same. While awaiting further instructions, Tariq’s mother learned about a surgical camp at Benjamin Mkapa Hospital and decided to send her son there for treatment. Tariq underwent surgery on 14 July 2021.

It was also encouraging to know that his father was very supportive throughout every step of his treatment.